Helioterra Wines


How did a gal from Sheboygan, Wisconsin, grow up to become a winemaker in Oregon?

It all started with her love for the land.

In her childhood, Anne Hubatch loved the outdoors and the natural beauty of the heartland. She spent much of her youth taking walks in the woods behind her house or skipping stones on the shores of Lake Michigan. Food and cooking also played a major role in her family life, and with her grandmother’s influence, she developed an interest in wine and flavor combinations.

Feeling the entrepreneurial spirit of the Oregon wine industry, Anne introduced her first solo vintage in 2009, and thus began Helioterra Wines. Over the past ten years, she has developed relationships with extraordinary grape growers throughout the Pacific Northwest, creating wines that honor the fruit and the people who grow it, without limiting herself to any particular style or type of wine.


2025 SE 7th Avenue
Portland OR 97214




Hacienda CDC


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